Practical Example of Localisation 4- Let’s Scooby-Doo this reference

I feel I must start this post by promising as few spoilers as possible. When one deals with the latest Marvel movie, or a highly anticipated release to hold oneself to relative silence is not only the polite thing to do but also a good way to avoid getting murdered, or worse (to quote my…

Practical Translation – A look at a translator’s workspace

Imagine, for just a moment that you’re me. As terrifying a prospect as that might be, given my huge amount of things that I struggle with, be them my dysphoria, my injured sense of pride or just the pain of knowing that I am probably very far from obtaining the picture of my villagers in…

Disney Pixar Cars Deep Dive #3 – Popular sayings

I don’t know when you, dear reader are reading this but at the time I write this holidays were only a few weeks ago. What we can define as holidays by itself is an interesting question when translating a flyer or even some a literary text because it means wildly different things in different contexts…

Disney Pixar Cars Deep Dive #2 – When NOT to translate

You know, there was a reason I picked Cars as my first ever deep dive and that reason has nothing to do with the fact that this was a game which I have never completed and so look at with fond eyes since I mostly drove around as a kid, nor does it have to…

Disney Pixar Cars Deep Dive #1 – Swearing

I’ve mentioned before that localization is a process that, when it comes to videogames tended to skip Portugal, which at best got the Brazilian Portuguese variant and, at worst was stuck with a menu that had Spanish and English as the only ones you could select. What language came packaged with the Portuguese version is…

Practical Examples of Localisation 3 – Shrine’s Legacy

Being on a budget is hard. It’s a statement that I don’t think will prove to be controversial by itself and one that I feel a lot of people can relate to. Having ten, twenty or perhaps even thirty dollars and having to manage it so they last me the week or longer is something…

Practical examples of Localisation 2 – I choo-choo-choose to translate

If there’s one thing that has become part of international pop culture through the simple fact that it has been airing for more than 30 years then the Simpsons is definitively it. It’s not a statement that I feel will be controversial, the characters of Homer, Bart, Lisa, Maggie, Marge and so many others have…

Practical Examples of Localisation – The Bass Question

I was hospitalised recently. Before anyone worries too much about the fact let me assure everyone that I am fine, or at the least on the path to recovery; no this post doesn’t have the goal of gathering your pity and words wishing me well but rather it has a much different purpose. Waiting 9…