Where I discuss Translation and the theory behind it.

  • Talking Translation #9- Worldwide or Internationally
    They mean, at least according to context, the same thing right? If you’ve looked at the title of this blog post, and you probably have, you might be wondering what about those two words is enough to warrant a blog post. Michelle has been absent from writing blog posts for a year, and she returns with…
  • Talking Translation #8 – The non binary and gender neutral in Portuguese
    On Inclusive Language and “Grammaticality” Gender neutral language, and how it’s perceived and accepted by society is a particular topic of interest for me. It’s not just that my gender can be described as “that thing that takes weird shapes and is hard to define” or that it’s something that affects me on a personal…
  • Talking Translation #7 – To Dobrar or to Duplicar
    It’s the holidays as I’m writing this. Though that might not be the case while you are reading this, and in fact my attempts at evoking hot chocolate in a very picturesque Hollywood like interpretation of Christmas may fail as as you might celebrate Christmas in the Southern Hemisphere or be reading this In August…
  • Talking Translation #6 – Word for word, sense for sense
    The topic I’m covering today is one of my favorite topics in all of the academic field of studies that is Translation Theory. It’s a topic that has been in a perpetual seesaw movement for at least two thousand year and it’s a topic that will likely still be debated, by academics and readers alike…
  • Talking Translation #5 – Intersemiotic Translation
    A question that I’m often asked when I meet someone new and I tell them that I’m a translator is, of course, what I translate. It is the nature of video game translation that oftentimes project I have worked on, or am at the moment working on cannot be revealed. If I were to tell…
  • Talking Translation #4 – “Equivalency”
    When I first started writing Talking-Translation I did not have a plan nor a schedule set up. My idea was simple, through practice and lectures at university I had become aware of a lot of things that go into translation, many of which I could never have imagined before I started my degree and I…
  • Talking Translation #3 – Religion (But really Adéquation)
    Because I quite clearly do not like myself enough, I decided to approach a topic that is sure not to be controversial: religion! Whether someone has one, and chooses to try and spread it, whether someone is in doubt, or they do not believe organized religion religion itself remains a thorny topic that will very…
  • Talking Translation #2 – Interpretation
    There is a popular idea in Translation Theory, one pretty much accepted as a given that a translation both takes and gives to the original. It is a thing first year Translation degree students often haven’t thought about, used as they are to the idea that translation is an act of compromise – an act…
  • Talking Translation #1 – The Silly Gender Thing
    You would not think so, given how much the gender question factors into my day to day life but there is perhaps no place where it’s more pervasive than in my work as a professional translator. Gender, and more specifically how to work with it so as to best make a translation accurate and correct (though,…